Never book with a third party again

Our best rate guarantee
How do you get the best deal for your stay at elaya hotel? By booking at! We call it the best rate guarantee.
Don’t believe us because you’ve found a better alternative on a third-party booking channel? Then we’ll give you a 10% discount on the provider’s rate – after all, we keep our word. Fill in the form now and claim your discount.
How does it work?
1. The price check
Found a better deal with another provider than with us at the time of booking at
2. Fill in best rate guarantee form
Then fill in the best rate guarantee form now. Because there are no secrets between us, you will find all the conditions under General Terms and Conditions best rate guarantee.
3. Upload screenshot
All we need from you is the screenshot of the cheaper price and the corresponding price conditions – by email within 24 hours of your booking.
4. Send off best rate guarantee form
As soon as we have the documents, we’ll check your best rate guarantee claim.
5. 10% discount on top
Do you fulfil the conditions of the best rate guarantee? Then we’ll adjust the price and match the cheaper rate with yours. You’ll also receive a 10% discount from us. That’s great, right?
Best Rate Guarantee
Claim form