Kids Hotel Austria: Huge choice of indoor and outdoor play activities

For our Kinderhotel Tyrol project, we consulted the child we all still have inside us on how to perfectly equip the playroom and outdoor playground. The result? Board games indoors. Outside, in front of the building, is a playground with trampolines, beach volleyball court and table tennis.

Für jeden etwas dabei: Die Spiel Area im elaya hotel steinplatte

Fun for young and old!

With its foosball, pool table, air hockey table, pinball, darts and bumper car, the Jungstars Spielothek* is also a likely destination for fun-loving hyper-competitive grown-ups! The cool egg-shaped chairs and small stools are available for the occasional welcome break and provide an opportunity to admire the beautiful wooden surfaces and orange-coloured lamps in the room. You can shift across to the leather sofa and be instantly transported to the cinema. Every day we put on two film screenings for the whole family – fresh popcorn included, of course.

Ski fahren ist ein Spaß für Groß und Klein Auch Schlittenfahrer kommen im elaya hotel steinplatte auf ihre Kosten


Winter is especially action-packed at our Kids Hotel Austria, with a choice of indoor and outdoor activities where children can let off steam. When the weather is less favourable, your children will find plenty to do in the playroom. Board games or the choice of activities in the Jungstars Spielothek*; table football, the pool table, the air hockey table and the bumper car will keep your kids on their toes. Family-friendly films in the hotel’s own cinema provide a break from all the intense physical activity. But as soon as the sun comes out, it’s time to put on warm clothing and brave the cold temperatures outside – to the slopes for skiing, snowboarding, cross-country skiing or a snowball fight right outside the front door. And to warm up afterwards, the pool area is ready and waiting.

Mountaincart fahren in der Wildkogel Arena Der Rutschenweg in der Wildkogel Arena


At the elaya hotel steinplatte, our Kids Hotel Austria,  the main idea is to get outside when the first rays of sunshine appear. Children can let off steam while hiking and biking with their parents as well as on the large outdoor playground directly in front of the hotel. The equipment includes trampolines, a beach volleyball court and table tennis. And if the summer takes time off for a rain shower, the adventure continues seamlessly in the playroom and, for the older kids, in the Jungstars Spielothek*. Or in the cinema. Or in the pool area. We think every child has a right to wholesome holiday fun. That’s why we’ve reached deep into our bag of tricks and simply chosen a little bit of everything to put together a vibrant mix that will appeal to all children, whether they are of an outgoing or a quiet disposition.


* Charges apply to the Jungstars Spielothek’s offer

  • Augsburg
  • Frankfurt Oberursel
  • Goeppingen
  • Hamburg
  • Hannover
  • Kevelaer
  • Kleve
  • Leipzig
  • Munich
  • Oberhausen
  • Regensburg
  • Rostock
  • Steinplatte
  • Stuttgart Boeblingen
  • Stuttgart Ludwigsburg
  • Vienna
  • Wolfenbuettel
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