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09 May 2024
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<input type="hidden" id="internalStartDate" value="2024-05-08"/> <input type="hidden" id="internalEndDate" value="2024-05-09"/> <input type="hidden" id="internalNumRooms" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalPromocode" value=""/> <input type="hidden" class="internalSource" value="Web"> <input type="hidden" id="internalNum1AdultsRooms" value="2" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalNum1KidsRooms" value="0" /> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="booking-box booking-box--search has_currency_selector "> <div class="booking-search-results booking-box__content "> <h3 class="title_booking_breakdown">Details of your reservation</h3> <div class="booking-search-results__search-data"> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-In: </b> <span class="notranslate">08 May 2024</span><br/> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-Out: </b> <span class="notranslate ">09 May 2024 </span><br/> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__rooms-list rooms_amount_1"> <i class="fa fa-users"></i> <b class="booking-title-info rooms_amount_label"> Rooms: </b><span class="rooms_amount_number">1</span><br/> <div class="search-item"> <span class="booking-title-info"> Room 1: </span>2 Adults , 0 Childrens <br> </div> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__new-search"> <button type="submit" class="booking-button booking-button--action" id="modify-button">Price Calendar</button> </div> <!-- TODO: remove inline styles --> <div class="booking-widget"> <div style="float:left"> <h1 class="booking-widget__title">Modify search</h1> </div> <div style="float:right"><a class="booking-widget__close-button">X</a></div> <div id="motor_reserva"> <!-- booking engine 2 --> <form action="/booking0" name="searchForm" id="searchForm" method="post" class="paraty-booking-form motor2"> <input type="hidden" id="language" name="language" value="ENGLISH" /> <input type="hidden" id="agesKid1" name="agesKid1" value="None" 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<option value="12" >12</option> </select> <select class="kidAgesSelect" id="agesRoom2_3" name="name" tabindex="1"> <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option> <option value="1" >1</option> <option value="2" >2</option> <option value="3" >3</option> <option value="4" >4</option> <option value="5" >5</option> <option value="6" >6</option> <option value="7" >7</option> <option value="8" >8</option> <option value="9" >9</option> <option value="10" >10</option> <option value="11" >11</option> <option value="12" >12</option> </select> <select class="kidAgesSelect" id="agesRoom2_4" name="name" tabindex="1"> <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option> <option value="1" >1</option> <option value="2" >2</option> <option value="3" >3</option> <option value="4" >4</option> <option value="5" >5</option> <option value="6" >6</option> <option value="7" >7</option> <option value="8" >8</option> <option value="9" >9</option> <option value="10" >10</option> <option value="11" >11</option> <option value="12" >12</option> </select> </div> <label id="label3" for="name">Room 3</label> <div class="wrapper_age_kids clearfix"> <select class="kidAgesSelect" id="agesRoom3_1" name="name" tabindex="1"> <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option> <option value="1" >1</option> <option value="2" >2</option> <option value="3" >3</option> <option value="4" >4</option> <option value="5" >5</option> <option value="6" >6</option> <option value="7" >7</option> <option value="8" >8</option> <option value="9" >9</option> <option value="10" >10</option> <option value="11" >11</option> <option value="12" >12</option> </select> <select class="kidAgesSelect" id="agesRoom3_2" name="name" tabindex="1"> <option value="0" selected="selected">0</option> <option value="1" >1</option> <option value="2" >2</option> <option value="3" >3</option> <option value="4" >4</option> <option value="5" >5</option> <option value="6" >6</option> <option value="7" >7</option> <option value="8" >8</option> 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Hotel pictures 5
elaya hotel oberhausen
Paul-Reusch-Strasse 38, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany
100m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel oberhausen

Paul-Reusch-Strasse 38, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany
100m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Room with a view
The elaya hotel oberhausen has a prime location in Oberhausen. It's directly in the pedestrian zone of the city center and close to the central station located. The hotel captivates its visitors with elegant and generously designed guest rooms, suites and apartments that have been specially designed for extended stays. The modern style is reflected in all areas of the house — from the lobby to the Social Kitchen. Whoever needs an overnight stay in Oberhausen will have a perfect place to stay. Free extras, such as coffee around the clock or highspeed Wi-Fi, make your stay in Oberhausen a bit more comfortable.
Hotel pictures 4
elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel
Zimmersmühlenweg 35, 61440 Frankfurt/Oberursel, Germany
2.5km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel

Zimmersmühlenweg 35, 61440 Frankfurt/Oberursel, Germany
2.5km from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
  • Room with a view
The elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel is located in the direct neighborhood to the metropolis Frankfurt am Main. The S-Bahn station Oberursel-Stierstadt, which is just a few walking minutes away from the hotel, offers a direct and fast connection to the fair grounds and to the central station of Frankfurt. Timeless classic as well as hyper-modern guest rooms, a restaurant with terrace, a bar plus free extras such as highspeed Wi-Fi complete your stay at the elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel.
Hotel pictures 4
elaya hotel goeppingen
Pfarrstraße 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany
350m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel goeppingen

Pfarrstraße 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany
350m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
The elaya hotel goeppingen is in the city center of Goeppingen located right next to the Kornhausplatz. Our hotel is a great starting point for discovering the city, the Swabian alb or for a day trip to Stuttgart. Also, the train station Goeppingen is just a few meters from the hotel away. Our design hotel captivates its visitors with a charming vintage flair. The era of the Swinging Fifties and Sixties reflects the style of the entire house. Stylish rooms as well as free extras, such as coffee around the clock, bicycle rental or highspeed Wi-Fi, make a stay at the elaya hotel goeppingen special.
Hotel pictures 4
elaya hotel hannover city
Friedrichswall 21, 30159 Hannover, Germany
1,1km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel hannover city

Friedrichswall 21, 30159 Hannover, Germany
1,1km from city center | View map
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Room with a view
Located in the city center of Hanover, the elaya hotel hannover city is opposite the Historical New Town Hall and in close vicinity of the popular Maschpark. The nearby central station is within walking distance and can also be reached by public transportation. The subway station Aegidientorplatz is close to the hotel. Our rooms are designed in a retro style, some offer a view to the Historical New Town Hall. Free goodies such as highspeed Wi-Fi make your stay in Hanover perfect.
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elaya hotel rostock
Lübecker Strasse 30, 18057 Rostock, Germany
2,3km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel rostock

Lübecker Strasse 30, 18057 Rostock, Germany
2,3km from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
The elaya hotel rostock is situated in the district Hansaviertel, near the Botanical Garden and the trendy district Kroepeliner and Tor-Vorstadt. The tram and S-Bahn station Holbeinplatz is directly in front of the hotel and guarantees an easy transfer to the city center, with the historical part of the town and to the central station. Within 15 minutes by public transport you can reach the Baltic Sea spa Warnemuende. The modern style is reflected in all areas of the hotel — from the lobby to the guest rooms. If you are looking for a modern hotel in Rostock, you will feel completely at home here. Free goodies, such as coffee around the clock or highspeed Wi-Fi make your stay in Rostock perfect.
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elaya hotel leipzig city center
Hainstrasse 21, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
400m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel leipzig city center

Hainstrasse 21, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
400m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
  • Room with a view
The elaya hotel leipzig city center is situated in a prime location in Leipzig. Many main attractions of the city, like the Church of St. Nicholas or the St. Thomas Church with its world-famous Thomaner Choir, are within walking distance. Next to the hotel is the S-Bahn station, Leipzig Markt. This is a traffic hub connecting the city center, with the central station, fair grounds and the airport. Besides the central location in the heart of the historic city, our guests appreciate the stylish rooms as well as free extras, such as coffee around the clock and highspeed Wi-Fi.
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elaya hotel kevelaer
Hüls 19, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
850m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel kevelaer

Hüls 19, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
850m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
The open space concept of the elaya hotel kevelaer with its reception, the lobby in a lounge style, an inviting bar area as well as co-working spaces invites you to work and feel good at once. The furniture of the guest rooms has been reduced to the essentials and feature a modern design. The hotel cooperates with the restaurant Venga, which is located next to the hotel. Breakfast is served there every morning for the guests of the elaya hotel kevelaer.
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Elaya hotel regensburg city center
Maximilianstrasse 22, 93047 Regensburg, Germany
200m from city center | View map
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Elaya hotel regensburg city center

Maximilianstrasse 22, 93047 Regensburg, Germany
200m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
  • Underfloor heating
The elaya hotel regensburg city center was built in a prime location in Regensburg. It is situated directly in the historical area of the city, close to the Thurn und Taxis Castle and the central station. The hotel doesn’t only offer a great location but is also a place combining the traditional with the modern styles, from the rooms which are designed in aqua and brown pastel colors to the attractively modern bathrooms. The social area of the house is furnished with a warm wooden floor and is designed with lovely details. This includes the breakfast restaurant, where you will find the legendary elaya breakfast with a show cooking station for freshly made egg dishes. What better way to start your day?
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elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen
Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 18, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
1,7km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen

Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 18, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
1,7km from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Underfloor heating
The elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen has a central location, conveniently situated to the motorway A81 and near to S-Bahn station Hulb located. From here, it is only a 30-minute ride to the central station of Stuttgart. The hotel does not only offer excellent transport links, it also offers apartments that have been specially designed for extended stays. From the well-equipped kitchenette to plenty of storage space for your luggage. This also includes the Social Kitchen, where you will find everything for a pot fight at the stove and where cooking in the company of others is even more fun. The public area of the house is equipped with cozy lounge corners that invite you to read a book, to work or to have a drink.
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elaya hotel vienna city west
Webgasse 23, 1060 Wien, Austria
550m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel vienna city west

Webgasse 23, 1060 Wien, Austria
550m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
The elaya hotel vienna city west is in the 6th district located not far from the famous shopping and strolling promenade Mariahilfer Straße. The subway station Zieglergasse is nearby and takes you directly to the 1st district. Only 4 stops, and you are already at the Stephansplatz, where the St. Stephen's Cathedral and all main sights of the historic city are located. Modern equipped rooms, some with a balcony or a terrace with a view to the green courtyard, an inviting lobby, where you can work or relax as well as free extras, such as highspeed Wi-Fi make a stay at the elaya hotel vienna city west to a pleasure.
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elaya hotel wolfenbuettel
Bahnhofstrasse 9, 38300 Wolfenbuettel, Germany
300m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel wolfenbuettel

Bahnhofstrasse 9, 38300 Wolfenbuettel, Germany
300m from city center | View map
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
The elaya hotel wolfenbuettel is located in the city center and near the central station. The historic district, Wolfenbuettel Castle, the Lessinghaus or the Herzog August Library are among the sights worth visiting during your stay in Wolfenbuettel. The minimalistic style of the guestrooms, feature a modern design. Other facilities of the property include a breakfast restaurant, a 24|7 Corner mini shop and three meeting rooms.
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elaya hotel kleve
Bensdorpstraße 3, 47533 Kleve, Germany
1,2km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel kleve

Bensdorpstraße 3, 47533 Kleve, Germany
1,2km from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
  • Room with a view
The elaya hotel kleve is one of the city's top hotel addresses. The hotel is directly on the Spoy canal located and offers a great view to the landmark Schwanenburg. The modern rooms and suites invite you to a comfortable stay. But also the restaurant with its spacious terrace is even outside of Kleve well known. A crowd puller is the ice cream parlor #Lieblingsplatz of the hotel. Free goodies such as highspeed Wi-Fi complete your stay in Kleve.
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elaya hotel munich city
Sandstrasse 7, 80335 Munich, Germany
2,1km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel munich city

Sandstrasse 7, 80335 Munich, Germany
2,1km from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
The elaya hotel munich city is located in the trendy district Maxvorstadt and within walking distance to the subway station Stiglmaierplatz. The subway takes you to the central station and to the city center. Both locations can also be reached by foot. Stylish rooms as well as free goodies, such as coffee around the clock or highspeed Wi-Fi make your stay at the elaya hotel munich city more comfortable.
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elaya hotel steinplatte
Sonnwendstrasse 13b, 6384 Waidring, Austria
500m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel steinplatte

Sonnwendstrasse 13b, 6384 Waidring, Austria
500m from city center | View map
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Underfloor heating
  • Room with a view
Located in the middle of the Kitzbühler Alps, surrounded by the Steinplatte and the Loferer Steinberge is the elaya hotel steinplatte. The highlight of the hotel is the mountain view, which can be enjoyed from all rooms. Other hotel facilities include a restaurant with a spacious summer terrace, a bar, a phantastic beauty and wellness area with indoor and outdoor pools, a sauna area and an extensive range of spa treatments. There are also many facilities for fun and entertainment for children and young people.
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elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder
Hein-Saß-Weg 40, 21129 Hamburg, Germany
9,7km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder

Hein-Saß-Weg 40, 21129 Hamburg, Germany
9,7km from city center | View map
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Room with a view
The elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder is directly on the Elbe river located and has its own landing stage with the ferry dock Rueschpark. Whether at the beach bar or sitting in a traditional Baltic beach chair, the white Elbe beach invites you to relax. Add to this the screeching of the seagulls, the rocking of the ferries and the sloshing of the waves when one of the thick ocean liners enters the Hanseatic city. Elegantly furnished rooms, a restaurant with sun terrace, a bar and a beach bar in summer, a spa area with Finnish sauna and fitness area, and free extras such as highspeed Wi-Fi make your stay at elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder perfect.
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elaya hotel augsburg
Peter-Dörfler-Straße 34, 86199 Augsburg, Germany
3km from city center | View map
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elaya hotel augsburg

Peter-Dörfler-Straße 34, 86199 Augsburg, Germany
3km from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
Our apartment hotel elaya hotel augsburg is located in the district Goeggingen. There is a bus stop directly in front of the hotel. The bus will take you to the center of the Fugger city within a few minutes. Besides the excellent public transport connections, the apartment hotel does not only offer apartments specially designed for extended stays. They also offer a well-equipped kitchenette as well as plenty of storage space for your luggage. The cozy lounge corner in the social area of the house is just inviting you to read a book, work or to have a drink with other guests. This area also includes the Social Kitchen, where you'll find all you need for a pot fight at the stove and where cooking in the company of others makes the evening so enjoyable.
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elaya hotel vienna city center
Wildpretmarkt 5, 1010 Wien, Austria
100m from city center | View map
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elaya hotel vienna city center

Wildpretmarkt 5, 1010 Wien, Austria
100m from city center | View map
  • Air conditioning
  • Safe
  • Free highspeed Wi-Fi
  • Walk-In shower
  • Room with a view
The elaya hotel vienna city center has a prime location in Vienna. The hotel is in the 1st district located, also known for its historic center as well known for the best area, where you can stay in Vienna. All main sights, such as the St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Hofburg, the Vienna State Opera and many more highlights of the city are nearby located. Our newly and modern guest rooms are havens of well-being and relaxation. Free extras, like coffee around the clock or highspeed Wi-Fi, should contribute to your perfect stay in Vienna.