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09 Feb 2025
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<input type="hidden" id="internalStartDate" value="2025-02-08"/> <input type="hidden" id="internalEndDate" value="2025-02-09"/> <input type="hidden" id="internalNumRooms" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalNumNights" value="1" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalPromocode" value=""/> <input type="hidden" class="internalSource" value="Web"> <input type="hidden" id="internalNum1AdultsRooms" value="2" /> <input type="hidden" id="internalNum1KidsRooms" value="0" /> <div class="clearfix"> <div class="booking-box booking-box--search has_currency_selector "> <div class="booking-search-results booking-box__content "> <h3 class="title_booking_breakdown">Details of your reservation</h3> <div class="booking-search-results__search-data"> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-right"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-In: </b> <span class="notranslate">08 Feb 2025</span><br/> <i class="fa fa-long-arrow-left"></i><b class="booking-title-info">Check-Out: </b> <span class="notranslate ">09 Feb 2025 </span><br/> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__rooms-list rooms_amount_1"> <i class="fa fa-users"></i> <b class="booking-title-info rooms_amount_label"> Rooms: </b><span class="rooms_amount_number">1</span><br/> <div class="search-item"> <span class="booking-title-info"> Room 1: </span>2 Adults , 0 Childrens <br> </div> </div> <div class="booking-search-results__new-search"> <button type="submit" class="booking-button booking-button--action" id="modify-button">Price Calendar</button> </div> <!-- TODO: remove inline styles --> <div class="booking-widget"> <div style="float:left"> <h1 class="booking-widget__title">Modify search</h1> </div> <div style="float:right"><a class="booking-widget__close-button">X</a></div> <div id="motor_reserva"> <!-- booking engine 2 --> <form action="/booking0" name="searchForm" id="searchForm" method="post" class="paraty-booking-form motor2"> <input type="hidden" id="language" name="language" value="ENGLISH" /> <input type="hidden" 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Hotel pictures 4
elaya hotel goeppingen
Pfarrstraße 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany
350m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel goeppingen

Pfarrstraße 2, 73033 Göppingen, Germany
350m from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
Who says you have to choose between retro and modern? The centrally located elaya hotel goeppingen balances both in style through its lobby, bedrooms, restaurant and bar. 
Tourists and business travellers from the local area and southern Germany in particular are grateful for the convenient journey to the elaya hotel goeppingen and its central location at the heart of the town. It’s ideal for events too thanks to its natural setting at the foot of the Swabian Jura mountains and the terrace as an outdoor extension of the breakfast restaurant and bar. The retro chic style inside is enough to put a smile on your face and a spring in your step. Modern twists bring the vintage vibes back on trend, with the bold colours, distinctive shapes and soft materials adding a touch of nostalgia. All in a town that’s still known for its art, culture and science.
Hotel pictures 5
elaya hotel vienna city west
Webgasse 23, 1060 Wien, Austria
550m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel vienna city west

Webgasse 23, 1060 Wien, Austria
550m from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Garage
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel vienna city west in Vienna’s sixth district makes a clear design statement. The boutique hotel fits seamlessly into the popular hipster neighbourhood with the sophisticated details in the rooms. 
The hipster vibes in Vienna’s sixth district live on inside the elaya hotel vienna city west. With the food and fashion scene just outside the front door, the inside of the hotel is calmer but just as cool. The modern interior design in the breakfast restaurant and in the bedrooms is accentuated by extravagant design decisions that are balanced out by more classic choices elsewhere in the hotel. The famous sights of the city in the first district and old town are just a short underground ride away from the hotel – and the station is only a few minutes from the hotel.
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elaya hotel augsburg
Peter-Dörfler-Straße 34, 86199 Augsburg, Germany
3km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel augsburg

Peter-Dörfler-Straße 34, 86199 Augsburg, Germany
3km from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Garage
  • EV charging
  • Free WiFi
Stay a while at a stylish, central hotel with all the amenities. Your hosts at the elaya hotel augsburg go to every effort to make longer stays an enjoyable experience throughout. 
You need more than a day to explore Augsburg properly. If you’re planning to spend some time in this historical town for business or leisure, you’ll want to make your stay as comfortable as possible. The hosts at the elaya hotel augsburg will be on hand to offer service with a smile and practicalities like a laundry room, well-equipped apartments, breakfast arrangements and meeting spaces at the nearby Super 8 by Wyndham sister hotel. You’re going to feel right at home. And there’s no chance of getting lonely. If you’re not staying in one of the large family apartments with your loved ones, head to the social kitchen or lounge area for some company. The warm and natural colours and materials in the lobby and apartments create a cosy and inviting feel.
Hotel pictures 5
elaya hotel oberhausen
Paul-Reusch-Strasse 38, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany
100m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel oberhausen

Paul-Reusch-Strasse 38, 46045 Oberhausen, Germany
100m from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Garage
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
Whether you stay in a hotel room or an apartment with kitchenette, you’ll feel right at home at the elaya hotel oberhausen. Our practical amenities and social setting strike the perfect balance between work and play.
Some of the guests at the elaya hotel oberhausen are staying in hotel rooms and others are in apartments. But all that really matters is that they’re all enjoying their time with us whatever they’re doing in Oberhausen. We work hard to meet the wants and needs of tourists, business travellers and long-term guests in our elegant hotel setting by providing everything they need, from kitchenettes in the apartments and a laundry room to a social kitchen as an informal place to meet and chat. Relying on the most important meal of the day for a strong start? Head to our restaurant and we’ll take care of the rest.
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elaya hotel regensburg city center
Maximilianstrasse 22, 93047 Regensburg, Germany
200m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel regensburg city center

Maximilianstrasse 22, 93047 Regensburg, Germany
200m from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
There’s a laid-back feel to the elaya hotel regensburg city center. It must be the influence of the city’s stoic founder, Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Or maybe it’s the soothing colour scheme...
You can’t help but breathe a little deeper once you step inside the elaya hotel regensburg city center. The hustle and bustle of Regensburg’s old town is left behind in an instant because the space looks and feels so calm. The hotel pays tribute to Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in its interior design. There’s no doubt that the founder of the city would have appreciated the air of calm. This delightful ambience continues into the bright breakfast room and bedrooms. Warm earthy colours and bursts of aquamarine, pretty lights and a small but perfectly formed workspace encourage guests to channel the chilled-out ambience from the lobby when they’re in their rooms too.
Hotel pictures 6
elaya hotel kleve
Bensdorpstraße 3, 47533 Kleve, Germany
1,2km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel kleve

Bensdorpstraße 3, 47533 Kleve, Germany
1,2km from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Restaurant
  • Garage
  • Fitness & sauna
  • Free WiFi
The terrace at the elaya hotel kleve on the banks of the Spoy canal is the perfect place to sit and unwind. This is also an ideal location if you want to explore the local area or run a successful meeting. 
Adventures await when you stay at the elaya hotel kleve. The city centre, the Dutch border, the historical gardens and other local attractions are all within easy reach. And the beautiful banks of the Spoy canal are right on the doorstep. You can enjoy the view while you indulge in delicious food and drink on the terrace at the restaurant. Or perhaps you’d rather treat yourself to a home-made ice-cream from the hotel’s own ice-cream parlour, Lieblingsplatz. This is a great plan if you’re on holiday or need a pick-me-up to get you through your business meeting! The quiet rooms and suites are a home from home with their natural palette and bursts of colour.
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elaya hotel kevelaer
Hüls 19, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
850m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel kevelaer

Hüls 19, 47623 Kevelaer, Germany
850m from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Parking
  • EV charging
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel kevelaer connects tourists, business travellers and pilgrim to attractions in the local area, bringing together nature and modern architecture and delivering friendly customer service in a setting with a cool design in the Lower Rhine region. 
The elaya hotel kevelaer on the outskirts of the pilgrimage site of Kevelaer attracts attention from the outside. The clean look of the hotel front stands out right next to the Solegarten St. Jakob thermal resort, inviting people to enter and see what it looks like on the inside. The lobby, rooms, suites and meeting space have a clear visual identity, which creates a relaxed ambience with a warm, inviting lighting concept centred on natural light. Natural shades of brown, beige and grey set the tone, with green accessories cleverly selected to bring the vast green space just outside the door into the hotel’s interior. The blend of outside and inside carries on in the restaurant with its huge window fronts and terrace.
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elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen
Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 18, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
1,7km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen

Otto-Lilienthal-Strasse 18, 71034 Böblingen, Germany
1,7km from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Parking
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen is the ideal place for a longer stay. It feels like home before you know it and that’s because we create a friendly atmosphere and provide practical amenities.
Expectations are high for apartment hotels. They need to offer the option of a hotel breakfast but also have a homely feel. They have to be a safe yet social space that ticks the boxes for practicality and presentation. The hosts at the elaya hotel stuttgart boeblingen take all this in their stride and find a middle ground without making any compromises. Life happens in the pretty but practical rooms with a kitchen and space to work, relax and sleep. The laundry room is available so the chores can get done, while the social kitchen provides a place for socialising with like-minded people. Guests can explore everything the local area has to offer in their spare time – there’s plenty to see and do.
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elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder
Hein-Saß-Weg 40, 21129 Hamburg, Germany
9,7km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder

Hein-Saß-Weg 40, 21129 Hamburg, Germany
9,7km from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Restaurant
  • Parking
  • EV charging
  • Fitness & sauna
You can admire the view of the Elbe river from the River View Restaurant, a beach chair or your elegant room at the elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder.
Whether you’re in Hamburg for sightseeing or business meetings, the sights and sounds of the river, ships and seagulls will make your stay at the elaya hotel hamburg finkenwerder an authentic Hanseatic experience. Enjoy breakfast on the terrace, indulge in fusion cuisine made from local produce at the River View Restaurant and meet your colleagues, friends or family for a chilled drink in a beach chair. Recharge your batteries in your elegant room so you’re ready for another day of exploring the city or doing business.
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elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel
Zimmersmühlenweg 35, 61440 Frankfurt/Oberursel, Germany
2.5km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel

Zimmersmühlenweg 35, 61440 Frankfurt/Oberursel, Germany
2.5km from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Restaurant
  • Garage
  • Free WiFi
Oberursel is so close to Frankfurt am Main that you can feel the city vibes at the elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel. But it’s far enough away that you can relax and enjoy the mountain setting – whether you’re on holiday or heading into meetings. 
You only need to step inside the lobby at the elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel to pick up on the interior design style. The whole place is modern, cosmopolitan and elegant – from the rooms to the restaurant and bar. With the city, airport and trade fair centre all nearby, the accommodation is clearly inspired by Frankfurt. Located on the southern slope of the Taunus mountains, the life and work ethic at the elaya hotel frankfurt oberursel is also influenced by the nearby natural landscapes and leisure areas. Tourists and business travellers are treated to the best of both worlds here. Not to mention the culinary delights that await. Head to the Vitello restaurant’s terrace for any meal of the day and sip on an exquisite cocktail at the bar in the evening.
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elaya hotel steinplatte
Sonnwendstrasse 13b, 6384 Waidring, Austria
500m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel steinplatte

Sonnwendstrasse 13b, 6384 Waidring, Austria
500m from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Restaurant
  • Parking
  • Fitness & sauna
  • Pool
Even a business trip feels like a holiday when you stay at the elaya hotel steinplatte. That’s all down to the combination of Tyrol tradition and Alpine chic, with wellness set against a mountain backdrop, local cuisine with a twist and rooms with a view. 
The elaya hotel steinplatte is in the Pillersee Valley in Tirol, close to the Steinplatte and at the heart of the Kitzbühel Alps. The pace of your stay at this hotel depends on your itinerary. You can slow right down in the wellness and spa area, get moving at a moderate pace in the indoor and outdoor pools, and feel your heart racing in the modern gym or outside as you take on some sporting activities. And don’t let a business meeting or event stop you from exploring the facilities. A fresh twist on traditional Tyrol cuisine is on the menu at the Kulinarium restaurant, which has a terrace and a spectacular view of the mountains. You can also take in the stunning scenery from the comfort of your room or suite.
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elaya hotel hannover city
Friedrichswall 21, 30159 Hannover, Germany
1,1km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel hannover city

Friedrichswall 21, 30159 Hannover, Germany
1,1km from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
Are you travelling for business or leisure? The elaya hotel hannover city brings a touch of calm to the busiest of business trips. You can relax and soak up the retro vibes inside or head out on your choice of days out in the local area.
You’ll feel right at home as soon as you step inside the stylish yet cosy lobby at the elaya hotel hannover city. And it won’t take long for you to lose track of time once you’re sitting in one of the booths surrounded by the understated colour scheme. This elegant boutique hotel is a fantastic place to stay in the centre of Hannover with its modern twist on a retro style. Its unique character shines through in the lobby, the breakfast restaurant and the light and inviting rooms and suites. They’re designed to be relaxing spaces where you can also get your work done. When you’re ready for a break, head out to see all the sights and explore everything the city and the local area have to offer.
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elaya hotel leipzig city center
Hainstrasse 21, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
400m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel leipzig city center

Hainstrasse 21, 04109 Leipzig, Germany
400m from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
There are lots of reasons to visit Leipzig – a fun city break, an important business meeting and a stay at the elaya hotel leipzig city center with its stylish interior design and excellent location. 
The city centre has so many famous sights, including St Nicholas’ Church, the tomb of Johann Sebastian Bach inside St Thomas’ Church and the Renaissance-style Old Town Hall. And don’t forget to add the elaya hotel leipzig city center to your must-see – and must-stay – list. The outside of the building is enough to catch anyone’s eye and the lobby is filled with one design statement after another. It’s an ideal place to drink a cup of coffee and get some work done in a bold and colourful setting sprinkled with Bach references. If you need a quieter place to concentrate, you could always set up in the business lounge or meeting space. The rooms also promise peace and quiet against a beautiful Baroque backdrop with modern twists.
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elaya hotel munich city
Sandstrasse 7, 80335 Munich, Germany
2,1km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel munich city

Sandstrasse 7, 80335 Munich, Germany
2,1km from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Garage
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel munich city tells a story behind the story. It might look understated from the outside, but that makes the bright and colourful lobby all the more surprising. Breakfast is Bavarian through and through.
Beyond the subtly elegant exterior of the elaya hotel munich city in the arts and university district of Maxvorstadt, the interior design is special and surprising. The colours, designs and materials chosen for the lobby and breakfast restaurant are bold and exciting. The visual identity continues into the bedrooms, with the colours toned down a little. Natural shades, wooden detailing, elegant lighting and stylish textiles create an air of calm in these spaces. Make sure you leave plenty of time to enjoy the traditional Bavarian classics on the impressive breakfast buffet in the morning.
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elaya hotel rostock
Lübecker Strasse 30, 18057 Rostock, Germany
2,3km from city center| View map
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elaya hotel rostock

Lübecker Strasse 30, 18057 Rostock, Germany
2,3km from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Parking
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel rostock is in the perfect location – close to the city centre but also close to the Baltic Sea. It also has a warmth about it in its laid-back interior design and friendly ambience. 
There’s always time for fun. This motto comes up time and time again at the elaya hotel rostock. And it shines through in the cheerful reception area, which has been decorated with an eye for detail. The rooms at the hotel in the Hansaviertel are filled with earthy colours and patterns inspired by nature. Modern lighting and accessories provide a contrast to round off the look. The contrasts continue just outside the front door, with the cafés, restaurants and shops in the cool Kröpeliner-Tor-Vorstadt area not very far away from the sand and sea at the beach resort of Warnemünde.
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elaya hotel vienna city center
Wildpretmarkt 5, 1010 Wien, Austria
100m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel vienna city center

Wildpretmarkt 5, 1010 Wien, Austria
100m from city center| View map
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Non-smoking rooms
  • Free WiFi
The elaya hotel vienna city center is just a stone’s throw away from St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna’s first district. It’s at the heart of the city but in a haven of calm away from the hustle and bustle. The music plays on at this hotel.
The references to Mozart at the elaya hotel vienna city center bring history to life, but this modern hotel is far from stuck in the past. It’s the ideal place to stay for an adventurous city break or a quick business trip. Whatever brings you to Vienna, the central location close to St. Stephen’s Cathedral and other famous landmarks, the beautiful surroundings, the impressive building, the breakfast restaurant with coffee house vibes and the charming rooms with a piano bed make this the hotel for you.
Hotel pictures 3
elaya hotel wolfenbuettel
Bahnhofstrasse 9, 38300 Wolfenbuettel, Germany
300m from city center| View map
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elaya hotel wolfenbuettel

Bahnhofstrasse 9, 38300 Wolfenbuettel, Germany
300m from city center| View map
  • Meeting rooms
  • Breakfast restaurant
  • Parking
  • Free WiFi
At the heart of this historical town with a Lessing connection, the elaya hotel wolfenbuettel makes a striking design statement as an ideal place for tourists and business travellers to stay.
The elaya hotel wolfenbuettel strikes the perfect balance between the past and present. Whether you’re travelling for business or leisure, this modern hotel is in the perfect location in the centre of a town that used to serve as a ducal residence. The stylish rooms are cool and cosy with plenty of space. You can sleep, relax and work in a quiet setting, knowing that you’re just a stone’s throw away from the excitement of city life. The hotel will empower you to find the perfect work-life balance. Enjoy the delicious breakfast buffet before powering through nature on foot or in a canoe... or powering up PowerPoint in one of our meeting rooms. These spaces can also be transformed into stunning venues for private events set between the mountains and the heath.